How do blogs make money? You're not alone in wondering this question. It's pretty simple to explain, but it does take some actual work. I decided to write this article and explain some of the most popular ways that people make money through blogging. Stick around, and you may be very surprised.

In 2011, I created this blog. When I started this blog, making money was not even on my mind. Educating people was on my mind. I started couponing and I was so darn excited on how much money I was saving and all of the free products I was getting, so instead of spamming my Facebook, I decided to make a blog and spam posts! It was the best thing I ever did. I spent hours blogging store ad coupon match ups. It was alot of fun, and my friends and family loved it. However, I started to notice that random people I didn't know were following my blog too.
I started my blogging on a free platform called It was and still is a huge blogging community and apparently people are very supportive of fellow bloggers. It really feels good to know that people enjoy reading what you write. Over time while I was on blogspot, a fellow blogger emailed me one day asking me about my traffic and how much I made on my blog. I remember thinking, "You can make money doing this???".I told her I had never tried to make money, and she guided me and told me that I had a really good niche for earning through my blog. What was a niche? Yeah, I was clueless!
For those who don't know what a niche is, it is basically what your blog is about. The main focus of your blog. For example, my niche originally was couponing. I however have opened my arms to a few other money saving methods as well. Maybe you want to create a blog about comedy in sports, or make up. Whatever you choose, make sure that your entire blog focuses on that topic. This is where making money on a blog starts. The niche.
Once you finally have a decent amount of traffic, you will want to start affiliate marketing. It will be your best option. This means you work for other companies and promote their products through your blog. So if you are a sports themed blog, then you will want to focus on affiliate programs that offer sports themed offers. You will create a blog post about the item you are promoting, typically leaving a link referring your readers back to the main company site. I was clueless about affiliate marketing when I first started, but I bought this ebook called Mastering Super Affiliate Marketing, and it helped me understand even more than a $136 blogging class did. I highly recommend it.
These sites will be your starting sites to money making through your blog. If you follow the main 3 steps, then you will be successful. I could go on and tell you so much more, but I will save that for another post. I hope this helped you atleast a little bit. If you follow these steps you too can make well over $1,000 a month from your blog. If you currently have a blog and would like a follow, please comment below and I will follow.

In 2011, I created this blog. When I started this blog, making money was not even on my mind. Educating people was on my mind. I started couponing and I was so darn excited on how much money I was saving and all of the free products I was getting, so instead of spamming my Facebook, I decided to make a blog and spam posts! It was the best thing I ever did. I spent hours blogging store ad coupon match ups. It was alot of fun, and my friends and family loved it. However, I started to notice that random people I didn't know were following my blog too.
I started my blogging on a free platform called It was and still is a huge blogging community and apparently people are very supportive of fellow bloggers. It really feels good to know that people enjoy reading what you write. Over time while I was on blogspot, a fellow blogger emailed me one day asking me about my traffic and how much I made on my blog. I remember thinking, "You can make money doing this???".I told her I had never tried to make money, and she guided me and told me that I had a really good niche for earning through my blog. What was a niche? Yeah, I was clueless!
For those who don't know what a niche is, it is basically what your blog is about. The main focus of your blog. For example, my niche originally was couponing. I however have opened my arms to a few other money saving methods as well. Maybe you want to create a blog about comedy in sports, or make up. Whatever you choose, make sure that your entire blog focuses on that topic. This is where making money on a blog starts. The niche.
Top 3 steps to start making money?
- Find a niche. Plan your blog out around this niche. Think about all of the menu options, pages and topics that will be included on your blog. This is your first step.
- Buy a domain. You don't have to use it immediately but if you have a good name for your blog, then you want to buy a domain name. All successful blogs have a real domain. If you don't know what a domain is, it is the .com address at the top of the search bar. My domain is You can buy one for a limited time for $0.99 through Godaddy. I suggest doing this before your blog gets more traffic, because some people will take your blog name and buy the .com domain and jack the price up to thousands. I buy about 3 a year for different ideas I have for other blogs. If you pay the $0.99 for your domain, then it will be good for a year. You can also buy hosting and have a wordpress site like mine for $1 a month. But free hosting is ok, but you will eventually get too big for free hosting through blogspot.
- Build traffic. You must create content. Write about your topic. Share with your facebook friends. Get your content seen. Create social media pages such as facebook, twitter and pinterest. Give yourself 1-3 months of steady content creation. Meaning atleast write an article a week.
You have traffic,now what?
Once you finally have a decent amount of traffic, you will want to start affiliate marketing. It will be your best option. This means you work for other companies and promote their products through your blog. So if you are a sports themed blog, then you will want to focus on affiliate programs that offer sports themed offers. You will create a blog post about the item you are promoting, typically leaving a link referring your readers back to the main company site. I was clueless about affiliate marketing when I first started, but I bought this ebook called Mastering Super Affiliate Marketing, and it helped me understand even more than a $136 blogging class did. I highly recommend it.
What affiliate programs are available to bloggers?
- Escalate network
- Shopher Media
- Commission Junction
- Sheis Media
- Come Join the #1 Affiliate Network!
- Chitika
These sites will be your starting sites to money making through your blog. If you follow the main 3 steps, then you will be successful. I could go on and tell you so much more, but I will save that for another post. I hope this helped you atleast a little bit. If you follow these steps you too can make well over $1,000 a month from your blog. If you currently have a blog and would like a follow, please comment below and I will follow.